Kinesiology Taping

Kinesiology Taping is a therapeutic taping technique placing special tape on the skin that improves lymphatic drainage by microscopically lifting the skin, decreasing inflammation in affected areas. Kinesiology taping helps to reduce pain, promotes post-surgical healing, promotes good circulation, and can assist the body’s natural healing process. It also has benefits for athletes, by optimizing performance and preventing injury.
Kinesiology Taping with sports massage treatment for free if it is needed.
If you need Kinesiology Taping without massage treatment, please contact me.
Kinesiology taping is commonly used for:
Plantar Fasciitis
Ankle Sprain / Swelling
Achilles Tendinopathy
Calf Sprain
Shin Splits
Patella Tendonitis
General Knee Pain
IT Band Syndrome
Hamstring Strain
Low Back Disorders
Rotator Cuff Problems
Tennis Elbow
Golfers Elbow
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome